
I have been told by many parents that at some point, the question “Why” is asked every other minute. But what I am getting is less “why” and more “Daddy…..” and then followed up with a list of questions.

I was driving the boys home this weekend and literally every other minute I was asked a question that started with Daddy…..

Daddy, where is the car beside us going?
Daddy, when are we going to see Mommy?
Daddy, what is for dinner?
Daddy, are we going to the toy store?
Daddy, are we going to have pizza for dinner?

You get the idea.

Sure, I wanted to listen to the radio and rock out to some Wade Bowen, but instead, I listened to my kids ask me questions for 45 minutes and I loved it. I love that they want to learn. I love that they want to know more and trust me that I’m going to give them a good answer.

So last night, as I put the boys down and Baby A said Daddy….. it was simply followed with, I love you and then I closed the door and he and his brother went to sleep.

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My wife and I are often times amazed at the questions that we are asked while we are out in public. Some of my favorites and in no particular order:

Are they twins?
Did you get them at the bulk asile?
Were they a BOGO (buy one get one)?
Did you use drugs?

I would love to say that these questions are not asked very often, but I would be lying. But, the way that we look at it, is that we were blessed with twins and that it is our responsibility to raise these two boys. Now, we can either laugh off these comments or respond and most times, we just laugh them off, but there are occasion that I do have to run my mouth.

Are they twins? – Nope. We had 1 and then while walking around the block, we saw the other just sitting on a bench by himself and thought, why not?
Did you get them at the bulk asile? – Yep, they were right beside your last two brain cells.
Were they a BOGO (buy one get one)? – Are you really comparing my children to shoes? You have to be kidding me.

Life is short, have fun and don’t take things too seriously.

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