
According to the current CBO (Congressional Budget Office), as of January the current unemployment numbers are still in the 8.5% range and will more than likely remain in the 8% range for the remainder of this year and next.  The problem with this, as I see it, is that current number of people that are continuing on unemployment is about the same, if not more month over month. I will be curious to see what the revised numbers look like for January’s current unemployment numbers look like in the coming weeks.  I still think that at the end of the day:

  1. The numbers are wrong, as they only factor in those that are still looking for jobs that are eligible for unemployment.
  2. That the election is largely going to be decided by those that feel that the current Administration has done a good enough job and those that believe that another candidate could do a better job.

Every day that I drive to work, I think about several friends that aren’t as fortunate. They struggle to make it week to week. They are part of that number and they hate it, often times admitting how embarrassed that they are that they are out of work.  I am truly blessed.

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In thinking about the topics that I have been writing on the past, I thought that now would be a good time to expand and add new topics of discussion. That being said, the first two new topics will be Sports and the always controversial Politics.

Being both a father and also a guy, Sports has always been a huge part of my life and I am hoping that my boys will love playing and watching sports as much as I did and continue to do so. And as for politics, I want my boys to learn about history and politics and allow them to make decisions that best represent their views. I am sure that I will have a little influence, but I want to try to give them both sides of each argument.

Let the discussions begin!

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Tonight is the State of  the Union address and for the first time in years, I have decided not to watch. As a self proclaimed political junkie, I am more than discouraged with our political parties and the way that the country is heading. A few key factors

  • Unemployment is at 8.5% (as of present date) – however, I am guessing that this might go up once the adjusted rates for seasonal hires are factored in, now that many of the jobs have ended.
  • Spending – Our country’s spending is out of control and in a comparison between President Bush and President Obama, President Obama is spending 1.4 trillion more per year.
  • Downgrade of our credit ratings – I believe that both parties are at fault for this and if certain steps are not taken, our AA+ rating will be reduced to AA.

So tonight, instead of watching the State of the Union, I blog. I read. I catch up on blogs and start planning out menus for the coming week. Though my priorities have not changed, meaning, I still love politics, I just chose instead tonight, instead of getting caught up in the rhetoric, that I would do something more productive with my evening.


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