
I have been thinking for a while now that I wanted to get a new camera and today, I finally pulled the trigger and made the purchase. After a lot of research, talking with several friends, I finally went with the Canon T3i.  After a lot of discussion with my wife, looking at finances, etc. it came down to two simple things:

1) I don’t want to miss any moments of my boys growing up and this camera would not only allow for simple point and click photos, but would also allow for us to video tape them as well. And the camera if very easy to use, but more importantly,

2) If you look at what we were paying our photographer, $150 for the sitting fee, $300 for the prints and we did this 3 times their first year, this camera will pay for itself in the  2nd year.

I am really excited about getting this camera and ready to start taking photos of the boys on a more regular basis. And after a lot of research, going to stores and holding the camera, I really think that I am going to enjoy taking photos again. Maybe a new hobby?

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