
My mornings can sometimes be crazy. Getting the kids up and ready, making sure that I get myself ready and I can’t leave without my morning coffee. And by morning, I mean my 2nd cup of coffee for the drive.

There is something about hearing the boys first words of the day though, that just make me smile. Today was, Juice, I would like juice daddy. And just like that, we were off to start our day.

Today was not much different, other than I was on edge the whole morning.  Things that were going on with the house, the floors were dirty, thinking about my day and what it was going to look like and all the boys wanted was juice. Not a difficult request. But it was the most important thing that I needed to do at that very moment.

What I’m realizing more and more everyday, is that when I am with the boys, I am with the boys. I am focused on them and their needs. I am playing with them in the floor, playing catch, teaching them how to zip up their pjs at night, learning a little Spanish and the list grows. But all of this starts with the mornings.


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