
Halloween this year was a complete bust. Ok, that might be a stretch, but it wasn’t what we envisioned for sure.  Let me back up and start with this.

For Halloween this year, the boys actually went out twice, the first was Trunk or Treat at their grandfather’s church. They had a blast going car to car getting candy and running around and playing on the playground. They had a parade of costumes where all the kids lined up and they just had a blast. Boy A was Spiderman and Boy B was a 3 Headed Dragon and everyone loved seeing them.

Halloween night was a completely different event and to a point, I was bummed. The boys were so excited to get candy and goto the mall like we did last year, but it was a complete bust. We get to the mall and start walking around and after we got to the 3rd store I started to realize that none of the stores were giving out candy. The mall moved back the time this year from 5 to 2 and either the mall was overwhelmed with visitors, which I can’t imagine or the stores just didn’t get the memo.

Regardless, the boys basically got 10 pieces of candy and they were beyond happy and my wife and I were beyond disappointed. I was upset that they were so looking forward to a bucket full of candy and they got almost nothing. But what I realized as we were driving to dinner after leaving the mall, the boys didn’t care. All they cared about was dressing up, it was my wife and I that were missing that point. Halloween isn’t’ just about candy, but it seems that it is more about the costume for the boys.

As we started putting away the pumpkins and the costumes last night, the boys said goodbye to Halloween and hello to Thanksgiving and in just a minute they went from candy to turkey.

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Halloween has come and gone.  All the little trick or treaters are nestled in their beds, thinking about all the candy that they get to eat tomorrow.

This was really our first Halloween as last year the boys did not really have a concept.  But this year, it was on like donkey kong. Baby A was a T Rex and Baby B had two costumes to choose from, a chimp or another dinosaur. He was adorable as a chimp but there is no comparison between a chimp and a dinosaur.

Instead of going door to door in our neighborhood, we opted for the mall and I have say, the businesses did a great job.  All most every store had staff out front giving candy to the kids and coupons for adults. And the kids racked up on candy too. But even more import than the candy, they were in a very safe environment.

So as the kids sleep and parents sleep, I want to thank the local businesses for being so nice to my boys and providing a safe and fun environment for them to enjoy their first Halloween.

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I remember growing up as a child and always trying to find the coolest costume for Halloween. But usually, I ended up dressing as a solider the majority of the time because it was easy to do. This year, we decided to take the boys to our old church for trunk or treat. The boys were dressed as monsters from the movie, Monsters, Inc. And I have to say, that for the first time that they dressed up as characters, they did a great job.

Remember to be safe with your kids this year at Halloween. There are a lot of pranks going on and there seems to be more and more people getting into trouble this time of year.


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