
Where to begin? Seems like a loaded question, yet a statement that has been used a lot recently when explaining the last 4 months.

I was going to start with virtual school for the boys, but let’s skip that for another day. And instead, let’s touch on my wife’s first surgery and then in another post, probably next week, the discovery of the brain tumor.

Three months ago, my wife had a scheduled procedure, which we thought was going to be routine and in 6 weeks, would be 100% healed and better than ever. But, that was not meant to be.

My wife woke up from her procedure in recovery with severe shoulder pain. Now, for the record and without going into the procedure, her surgery had NOTHING to do with her shoulder, not even close. She was told to give it time.

7 days later, she is getting an MRI and being told that her should was dislocated and then the MRI revealed other issues too.

So a quick recap, my wife went in for a surgery, that wasn’t related to her shoulder, yet comes out with major shoulder problems. The shoulder issue was so bad, that she had to be seen by orthopedic that repaired my shoulder last year and surgery was scheduled.

And with that, when people ask about her shoulder, we usually start with, “where to begin?”

Everyone has been left asking the same question, “what happened to her shoulder?” And short answer, we don’t know. We don’t know what happened. Seems strange, but that we just don’t know.

Next up, the discovery of my wife’s brain tumor and how we found gratitude through all of this.

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I just wanted to thank Joe from Dad’s Guide to Twins for sharing one of my recent blog posts on his podcast. In talking with a friend and fellow father, I recounted the events of the day and asked how I could remain so positive and I just smiled and said perspective.

People are dying, right this minute. Someone is being told that they have cancer, right this minute. Someone is being laid off from their job, right this minute. Each and every one of those scenarios is awful, for their own reasons and I can’t say that if I had any of those conversations this morning, that I wouldn’t be down.

But today, right now, I grateful for the time that I have with my boys. I’m grateful that last night, I got to rock them to sleep and could hear them make noises as they moved in their beds.

It is all about how we view things. I can choose to be frustrated with life, work, people, etc. or I can choose to grateful that I have two healthy boys that love me. I choose the latter.

If you haven’t checked out the site, Dad’s Guide to Twins, please do. Joe has a lot of great information that will help any soon to be father of twins.

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What are you grateful for?

A few weeks ago, my wife created a blog and has decided that for the next 6 weeks, she is blogging about what she is grateful for that day. It is amazing in reading her blog, how many little things I take for granted in my busy day. Looking up at a sunset. A quiet moment while drinking a cup of coffee. Listening to the boys talking to each other before they go to sleep.

I am trying to slow down my life. Look at things differently. Prioritize my day and most importantly, be grateful for the little things.

So, what are you grateful for?

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