
This past weekend, the boys started refusing to eat and I stood in front of them and just figured that I would give them forks to see what they would do.

Well, to my surprise, that dinners feeding turned into a lot of fun, because they sat there and figured out how to feed themselves using a fork. The excitement that they had when they were feeding themselves was classic.

Another chapter in their learning has started.

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I have to admit, 9 months later and the boys feeding schedule has stayed for the most part on track. We have found it to be very important, to not only get the boys on a feeding schedule, but to keep them on the schedule. This will give you a rough idea of our schedule:

6 – 7am – 8oz bottle of formula
9am – oatmeal and a fruit mixed together
12pm – 8 oz bottle of formula
4pm – 8 oz bottle of formula
7pm – solid foods

Each child is different, but for us, ensuring that even if we are traveling that we stick close to the feeding schedule as possible has been very important. I truly believe that children want to be on a schedule, just as much as the parents want them to be on a schedule. Children need the structure.

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