
I’ve beyond slacked off as it pertains to my normal exercise routine.  I can give a million and one excuses, long commute, tired, would rather do anything other than working out, etc. But at the end of the day, I need to do more.

Today, the boys and I walked over to the playground instead of riding bikes. We ran, did jumping jacks, played tag, etc. The boys thought that they we were just playing, they didn’t realize that they were jump starting my exercise program. For the first time in a long time, I ran sprints. I tested my knee, which should be scoped and cleaned up again by my Orthopedic surgeon. But until then, I have to test it more. I have always tried to take it easy with my knee, which might have been a reason why I put off my exercising.

Today was the first day of my new work out plan. My goal is that on the weekend, get 2 work outs in a day and during the week, one long walk either before or after work and yoga. I felt great. My knee, didn’t, but it didn’t buckle which was a nice thing.  And as the boys and I walked home, I realized that as I watched the boys run, this was the first of many exercise days with them and they didn’t even realize how much they were doing for me.


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We all struggle with it at some point in time, especially when the Dr. mentions it. But my wife and I were having a conversation two weeks ago and I’ll never forget her statement, “If you don’t lose weight and get in shape, you will not be here to watch the boys grow up.” And there it was. Some might call it a guilt trip, I call it a slap in the face with reality. Of course I want to be here for my boys. Of course I’ll do anything for them, including, getting in shape.

Now, I will be honest to say, that since moving to the East coast from Texas, I’ve put on 40 pounds. I’m not happy at all about that. In fact, it frustrates me, because, since the move here almost 7 years ago, I’ve also torn the cartilage in my knee and have had my left knee scoped twice.  So I am really limited in my exercise program, because my left knee has torn cartilage again and I am pretty sure that my right knee does as well. So, I have to do other things to help lose weight.

I’ve started going to the gym 2 nights a week and get in at least 20 minutes on the treadmill of a solid walk. Then I have a routine for upper body and lower body. And then on the weekend, I try to get in the pool and either swim or try to use some resistance from the water to exercise. But to keep myself honest, my wife and I both installed the My Fitness Pal app to keep us both honest with our eating as well.   My wife purchased a fitness band for her arm and after I looked and tested it out, I figured that I too would get one, but I went with the less visible Jawbone Up.

So, two weeks into a more strict diet and exercising more and I’m already down 4 pounds. It is a start, but 4 pounds down and 36 pounds more to go.

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Being a Christian, the start of Lent is a time for reflection and remembrance before the death and resurrection of Jesus.  Many Christians use this time of Lent, as a way to grow closer to God and in doing so, will often times give something up as a way to test themselves. I’m not a historian, so I’m providing some links that might be helpful to learn more about the season of Lent:

And here is a site that gives you some ideas of things that you can give up for Lent this year. But, you don’t have to just give something up. You can chose to take something on. But remember whatever you do, make it a challenge. Challenge yourself to either give something up or take something on that will cause a little suffering.  For me, in the past I have given up Starbucks. This year, I am giving up my daily Coke Zero. I have gotten into the habit of drinking a Coke Zero every day and sometimes twice a day, so it has definitely become a habit. So for me, I’m really challenging myself to give up Coke Zero & I have asked my co-workers to really help me with this.

But, I’m not only going to give up my daily Coke Zero, but I am going to start working out more. It is hard to do with twins, but as my wife said to me this weekend, we both need to be healthier so that we are around for the boys for a long time. And that really hit me. So Lent is definitely coming at a good time for me, because not only will I lose weight from not drinking Coke Zero, but I am going to take the money that I was spending every day on Coke Zero and put it in a jar for the boys for their piggy banks. And the sad part, is that it will quickly add up, because they sold for $1.79 a piece so on a given work week, I could save at least $9.00, if not closer to $20.00.  And, I would be saving calories too.

The choice to give something up for Lent is a very personal thing. It should be between you and God and really no one else. Meaning, you be the one to decide what to give up. Lent is a 40 day challenge, but can be a challenge that is life changing. Just like the life changing events of Jesus dying on the cross for our sins.

So I challenge you to give something up this year for Lent.

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