
My wife and I have started couch dates. And let’s keep this PG here, but basically we have realized that we are not able to sit and talk like we did before the boys. So, once a week, we have couch dates, where we sit, have dinner and just talk.

But there are ground rules:

  • Limited talk about the boys. It isn’t that we don’t love them, but our focus is ALWAYS on them.
  • Discussion about finances is always a topic of conversation, but it is more of overview/recaps/where are we financially and are there any big items that we need to be aware of?
  • Recaps and planning ahead for the next week. Primarily my wife brings me up to speed with her week and when she is on call and when I am needed to be home first.

Before we were parents to two amazing little boys, we were a couple. We have to remain connected, even though there is a little bit more of a challenge as parents as the conversations change. But it can not always be about the boys. We have to maintain our relationship too, in order to remain a healthy couple for our kids.

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