
I noticed over the last few days, the boys have been counting a lot more. In fact, Baby B actually said ocho for the number 8 in Spanish. So I thought that I would start testing them and getting them to count even more.

It is amazing how creating a quick game on the fly will spark their thinking.  So while sitting at dinner, I started asking the boys to count out the number of crackers that they wanted and then they had to count them as they ate them. They jumped all over that one. So after dinner, we counted the number of steps from the floor to the top of the steps. They both got stumped on #12, but I don’t think that it is too bad to count from 1 – 12 before the age of 3.

So, now that we’ve started counting more and they have been doing it a lot on their own as well, just counting little things that they see on the floor and around them. It is just amazing to see them grow and pickup new things each day. Making a little game out of it and getting really excited when they get the numbers right has proven to be really important.

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