
I’ve been asked by many friends and even my Mom for that matter, what is it like parenting During the Coronavirus? And, it is a fair question, but my response today, might be different than in 2 weeks from now.

Since December, I had started to watch what was happening in China with the Coronavirus. After some conversations with my wife, we slowly started to purchase meat and other non perishable goods for our family. And yes, we bought extra toilet paper (I’m from the south and that is what you do in an emergency) and paper towels. I don’t know why I took this approach, but I did.

Fast forward to last week, March 11th. That morning my wife and I talked about the strong probability that the boys would be out of school for an extended period and that if they made it to March 16th, it would be a miracle. For the record, both my wife and I work in the healthcare field, so we are seeing and hearing about things in a more macro and global way. Well, March 12th, we got the news, school was shut down for at a minimum, 2 weeks due to the Coronavirus.

So now, we have a date, a plan, etc. We made 2 more quick grocery store orders, did an inventory of meat, frozen vegetables, etc. We sat the boys down to explain to them what was going on, provide reassurance to them that they were ok and safe. That we had enough food in the house and that they were going to be home for a few days, but they could not play with their friends.

That night after the kids went to bed, my wife and I sat on the deck drinking a glass of red wine. As we talked about the current events and what was unfolding, I simply said, I wish that I could talk with my Grandfather about this, as he lived through the Great Depression. And then my Mom texted me the simple question “how are you parenting during the Coronavirus?”

Understand, my Mom and I talk or text daily. So my reply to her, she already knew. I gave her a rundown of our supplies in the house and then I told her that I was working on a school schedule for the boys at the house. And that I was going to have to both work and be a teacher, at the same time. Her reply is what I expected “I raised you well.”

You see, I’m nervous. Hell, I’m beyond anxious. We are dealing with an unknown. Right now, our state is looking at an 8 – 20 week shut down of school. Will the kids even go back? Little League is shut down. Major and Minor League baseball too. Life as we know it, within reason, is shut down. Yet, when my kids come to me and ask me questions about the Coronavirus, I try to answer honestly and as best I can.

The Coronavirus is going to change our economy. Our society. Our lives. This will take years, in my opinion, before we recover. There will be books written about this and the outfall from it. History will judge the actions of our President and our people. My Grandchildren will read about this one day.

And for me, as a Dad, I just hope that I’m parenting for my kids, the best that I can through the Coronavirus. I hope that I am able to provide comfort and wisdom. That I can provide structure and reassurance. I hope that I can mask my concern and fears and one day, when they read this, I hope that they know that we did everything that we could to prepare for this.

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