Bed Time

This past week has been a challenge as we have been having a lot of bed time struggles with Baby A.  Our night time routine has been completely throwing off and I’m not really sure as to why?

We have kept the same routine, dinner, bath, watch a quick YouTube video, read a story, rock and quiet time. But the last weeks, he has wanted to go downstairs for toys, he has needed us to lay down beside him until he goes to sleep, he has thrown a fit, he has screamed, well you get the idea.

Bed time struggles seem to be a common issue at this age, so that isn’t that big of a deal. And it could be growth spurts, changes with the boys routine and as we prepare to transition to a new daycare facility. But, the last few weeks have definitely been a challenge at night time, often times taking an hour and a half to two hours.   And there has been an increase in night terrors as well, which has been on average 1 to 2 per week for Baby A.

And as usual, Baby B just puts himself to bed and is usually asleep within a few minutes. Bless that child. This is just yet another challenge in the life of twin boys, bed time struggles.


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Bed time has become a challenge of late, for both boys actually. It seems that no matter how much we run them and tire them out, the boys just don’t seem ready to goto bed and they are starting to have separation anxiety when my wife leaves the room.

My wife and I have been alternating who leaves their room first at night to put them down and it seems that when my wife leaves the room first and I stay behind, the boys just have a fit. We have been playing music for them, reading to them, rubbing their backs, but bed time has really become a chore of late.

If anyone has suggestions, please feel free to share.


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