
Growing up in the south, we didn’t get snow very often, maybe a few inches a year and that was if we were lucky.
So snow was something that I always looked forward to seeing as a kid.

But now, as an adult, it stinks. There is nothing worse than shoveling out cars and sidewalks. Snow is supposed to be fun. Snow ball fights and snowmen, these are things that are fun about snow. Not shoveling.

Sometimes in life, we get sunny days. Sometimes we get rainy days. And sometimes, we get snow. And it looks like this winter, we have gotten a lot of snow and we still have several more days of it.

I miss the days of watching snow fall to the ground. I remember the anticipation, running to the window to see if it had started yet. Now, though I still love watching it fall, it is the after effects that I dread. But today, I watch it snow and love watching the boys stand at the window and point to it with excitement. I hope that they will grow up loving it the way that I do.