Gifts for Twins

I was asked yesterday by a co-worker what types of gifts for twins that she could get her friend, who is a single mom. So here were 2 that quickly came to mind:

1) Diapers & Formula – you can never get too much of that.
2) In 3 months, take her to dinner. By then, the kids should hopefully be getting into a routine and she will need a night out with adults.

Most people immediate think of buying clothes, picture frames, and other things that are great, but maybe not practical.  Think not just today when buying gifts for babies, but think 3 months from now. Everyone is buying gifts for today, do something original, be different. And I promise, a night out, might be the best gift ever. I know that when my wife and I went out for our first night alone, we sat in silence, because really didn’t have anything to talk about, but the kids. But, it was great just to get out, if even for only an hour.