
I have come to the conclusion over the last several weeks, that these two boys are going to teach me a lot about life and give me a lot of perspective on how I view the world. I truly believe that we are given teachable moments on a regular basis, it is just how we view those moments and what we learn from them that can change our view on life. Last night one of the boys could not settle down and go to sleep and he and I ended up sleeping in the recliner. I started thinking back over the year and how nights when I would get frustrated because it would take them 4 hours to get settled down to sleep, but when they would wake up the next morning, they would smile and were so happy to see me. Forgiveness.

Or maybe a lack of remembering, but let’s go with forgiveness, because that is how I like to look at it. Kids, yes they get their feelings hurt when they don’t get their way, but they do not hold onto things as long as adults do. Maybe it is an attention span issue? Maybe they are just able to accept things and move on faster. But regardless, as my son had his little arm wrapped around me and with his other hand holding onto mine, I just smiled, because I know that I am sure that I’ve done something to hurt his little feelings, but he shows me his forgiveness by loving me.

Adults could really learn a lot from children about forgiveness and moving on.