
I often thought that was something that was taught, not instinctively learned, but I might be changing my views on this one.

Last night as I put the boys down, we read, watched a Dino Dan tv show, and the boys got in their beds, Baby A, who was incredibly tired, laid his head on his pillow and curled up. Baby B, who said goodnight to his brother, got up and put a blanket on his brother and covered him up. Compassion at its best.

I have never told Baby B to do cover up his brother or anyone else, but he instinctively he got up and made sure that his brother was ok and covered up. It is these moments in life and experiences that I see, that I realize more and more what compassion is all about, especially as it relates to the boys and to our family.

My wife’s job is full of compassion, as she supports families after they have lost a loved one. I don’t know how she does it, but she is able to provide a since of comfort and peace at a moment when a family needs it the most. We together, try to show through our actions, compassion, in hopes that our boys will pick up on the desire to help others in need.

I’ve come to realize that as a parent, I get to see and be a major influence in my children’s lives. It is my job to teach and mold them for their future. But it is those moments when I realize how much they are teaching me.