
Happy New Year.

Today, forget about the troubles of last year. Forget about what you didn’t get to accomplish, or the resolutions that you made last year that were not completed.

Today, focus on the new year. Focus on today. Focus on what you can do this upcoming year.

Today, starts a new year and new possibilities.

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Today, I would like to pause for a moment to wish you and yours a safe and Merry Christmas. I would also like to thank the men and women that are serving overseas and protecting our freedoms this Christmas day as well.

Merry Christmas

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We all struggle with it at some point in time, especially when the Dr. mentions it. But my wife and I were having a conversation two weeks ago and I’ll never forget her statement, “If you don’t lose weight and get in shape, you will not be here to watch the boys grow up.” And there it was. Some might call it a guilt trip, I call it a slap in the face with reality. Of course I want to be here for my boys. Of course I’ll do anything for them, including, getting in shape.

Now, I will be honest to say, that since moving to the East coast from Texas, I’ve put on 40 pounds. I’m not happy at all about that. In fact, it frustrates me, because, since the move here almost 7 years ago, I’ve also torn the cartilage in my knee and have had my left knee scoped twice.  So I am really limited in my exercise program, because my left knee has torn cartilage again and I am pretty sure that my right knee does as well. So, I have to do other things to help lose weight.

I’ve started going to the gym 2 nights a week and get in at least 20 minutes on the treadmill of a solid walk. Then I have a routine for upper body and lower body. And then on the weekend, I try to get in the pool and either swim or try to use some resistance from the water to exercise. But to keep myself honest, my wife and I both installed the My Fitness Pal app to keep us both honest with our eating as well.   My wife purchased a fitness band for her arm and after I looked and tested it out, I figured that I too would get one, but I went with the less visible Jawbone Up.

So, two weeks into a more strict diet and exercising more and I’m already down 4 pounds. It is a start, but 4 pounds down and 36 pounds more to go.

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Place City State Notes
Dean E. Smith Center Chapel Hill NC We will have to find a UNC game to take the boys to once they are older.
Carolina Basketball Museum Chapel Hill NC Since this is literally next door to the Dean E. Smith Center, we will combine both into one trip.
Baseball Hall of Fame Cooperstown NY My wife and I went for the 2007 induction for Cal Ripken, Jr.
Yankee Stadium New York NY As a life long Yankee fan, it is only fitting that we take the boys.
Wright Brothers Museum Nags Head NC This Summer
Arlington National Cemetery Washington DC
Army vs. Navy game
DC Tour Sites Washington DC Standard tour spots, The Capital, White House, etc.
Field of Dreams Iowa IA Where the movie Field of Dreams was shot.
New Orleans New Orleans LA This will be a trip for when the boys get a little older, but it is such a great city to visit.
Disney World Orlando FL This will be a trip for when the boys get a little older, but what kid would not love to go to Disney? Updated
Grand Canyon Flagstaff AZ Such an amazing site and especially at sunset. Updated
Key West Key West FL This is where my wife and I went for our honeymoon, but it was such a cool city. And, the boys can go to the original Margaritaville.
Charleston Charleston SC Charleston is just such a great city and I have several close friends there, so it will be good to get back and show the family a place that I use to visit on a regular basis.


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I have started this website as a way to talk about my adventures thus far as a father of twin boys. My goal is to provide some insight into some of the things that I’ve experienced thus far; provide some laughs, b/c life is way too short; provide some products that we’ve used that have worked well for us; and maybe help soon to be fathers of twins.

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