
My wife and have been discussing the boys birthday party for a while now and I think that we have finally come to a decision on what we are going to do. Something that my wife and I have discussed numerous times, is that we want the boys to be raised that they realize that there are people less fortunate than they are and to appreciate what they have.  So, when we were talking about what we were going to do for the boys party, it was a no brainer, instead of gifts, we wanted donations made to the Children’s Hospital that the boys were born.

We were lucky, that even though the NICU doctors came and talked with my wife and I the night before the boys were born. They were just letting us know that NICU doctors would be in the delivery room, just in case and that the boys might have to spend time in the NICU. We were very lucky, because the doctors were there for about 5 minutes and checked the boys out and said that the boys were healthy enough that they didn’t need to be in the NICU. So many babies are not as fortunate. It was just the start of our many blessings that we have received with this boys.

Our goal is to raise at least $2,000 for the Children’s Hospital, if not more.  The money will help other children and families that are staying at the local hospital and make their stay a little easier. But my wife and I are going to also make a $300 donation in honor of our boys as well. We are doing this so that the boys will always know where they were born and where they spent the first 5 days of their life. I know that our boys will not remember their 1st birthday, but my hope, is that as they grow older and we share with them these stories, that they too will want to help others, others that are not as fortunate as they are are.

So what are you doing for your child’s birthday party? Are they getting gifts? Or are you encouraging them to give to others?

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We are only a few months past Christmas for this year and we are already talking about the next Christmas. Why? Well, for many reasons.

1) staying at home instead of running around
2) planning meals around feedings
3) first year, go less on presents
4) start buying gifts early and throughout the year to save money

Staying at home instead of running around
This past year, we spent the holidays with family. But next year, we have decided that since the boys will have more of an idea of what Christmas is about, that we will be staying home. It is important to us to establish traditions as a family. So, family will be invited to come over next year, instead of us going to visit everyone.

Planning meals around feedings
The boys feedings last year were different last year, but this year will be different.  Now that there feedings have changed, only 3 bottles a day, we will be able to plan our family meals better.

First year, go less on presents
We only purchased a few gifts for the boys this past year.  We will more than likely continue this again this year, primarily because the boys still really will not need a lot.

Start Buying Gifts Early
We have already started buying gifts for family members now. By spreading out the gifts, we are not scrambling to find gifts for family and friends in December right before Christmas. It spreads out the cost throughout the year and not just in 1 month.

These are just a few things that we are looking at for Christmas 2012.

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I was asked yesterday by a co-worker what types of gifts for twins that she could get her friend, who is a single mom. So here were 2 that quickly came to mind:

1) Diapers & Formula – you can never get too much of that.
2) In 3 months, take her to dinner. By then, the kids should hopefully be getting into a routine and she will need a night out with adults.

Most people immediate think of buying clothes, picture frames, and other things that are great, but maybe not practical.  Think not just today when buying gifts for babies, but think 3 months from now. Everyone is buying gifts for today, do something original, be different. And I promise, a night out, might be the best gift ever. I know that when my wife and I went out for our first night alone, we sat in silence, because really didn’t have anything to talk about, but the kids. But, it was great just to get out, if even for only an hour.

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