
As we hit the middle of the week and after a long weekend with the death of my wife’s grandmother, I’m looking forward to our camping trip this weekend. Camping isn’t something that I did a lot of as a kid, but it is something that is helping me get back to being grounded.

There is something to be said for stepping away from TV, modern technology, etc. and going camping for a long weekend. And this is really no difference. With my career pulling me in many different directions on a daily basis, down time is definitely in order.

And the great thing about camping, no WIFI! First world problems right there. For the first time, I’ll be disconnected. I will not have internet access for about 48 hours.

My anxiety is high already about not being connected, but there is also a sense of relief!

There is a feeling that if I can get through 48 hours, then maybe I can start doing this more frequently on weekends and build my way up to our family vacation in August. I have been really trying hard to learn how to relax. I’ve started doing daily meditations and yoga and I think that going camping will also help too.

As I get older I realize that I need time away. I need distractions. I need to get lost? But what I really need is time with my family. I need to give them my attention. I need to give them my time.  And I hope that while we are out camping this weekend and making memories, that I also teach them that when they are father’s, that spending time will be important to their kids too.