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The boys were drinking formula for right at 1 year and man, it was financially killing us. I hugged the Dr. when he told us that we could start the transition from formula to milk. No lie, I had to wipe the tears from my eyes. Think about it, a container of formula is about $22.00 – $24.00, depending on what you are getting. And because we had twins, we were going through a container about every 5 days. Our monthly spend for formula was about $200.00 a month. Whereas now, we buy 3 gallons of milk a week, at $3.00 a gallon and we are spending $48 a month.

We were also very lucky too, as the boys immediately took to the milk as well. We didn’t have to do a mixture of formula and milk. We saw the Dr. on a Friday afternoon and we gave them their first full taste of Milk that night. So, once again, we have been very lucky.

This is a huge savings. Now, if you are close to 1 year, I would wait and talk with your child’s Dr. before making the transition from formula to milk, as I have read that if you start this too soon, that there are allergies that could be developed. That being said, with a savings of close to $140 a month, we are able to use the additional money for other foods for the boys and also, put more into their college funds.




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I know that I have sometime before I have sit down with the boys and begin explaining death, but I know that some day, it will happen.  I do not remember when my parents sat me down to explain it to me, but I would have to guess that it was when I was in the 2nd grade and the day that my grandfather died. I remember a lot about that day. Standing in the hall way, talking with the school principal, waiting for my mother to collect her things at school so that we could leave.  And I remember my father being at school as well, which was strange because my mother was a teacher and she brought me to school every day.

Over the last 5 years, my wife and I have both lost several close people in our lives, grandparents, friends, cousins, and my wife’s mother.  I know that as the boys grow older, they will have questions. Questions about who people where and more importantly, why they aren’t here now and if they are like me, they will ask the really hard question, where are they if they aren’t here?

On a trip before the boys were born, I started to bring this topic up with my wife and how we wanted to explain death to the boys and she reminded me of her educational background and a book that she had read when she was in grad school called The Fall of Freddie the Leaf: A Story Of Life For All Ages.  She read me this book a few weeks later and even though it made sense, I still cringed at the thought of explaining death to the boys. But there are a few things that I hope that I am able to explain and share with the boys:

  • death is both tragic and difficult to understand sometimes, especially when it is a tragic and sudden loss.
  • it is part of life and life will go on.
  • it is ok to cry when you have lost someone that you loved.
  • hopefully, one day you will see your loved one again.

I know that when the boys get older, they will have questions about their grandmother, or their great grandparents and I just hope that I can explain to them what great people that they were and that one day, they will get to see and meet those that have gone before them in Heaven.


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I love the looks that I get when walking through the grocery store with the boys. What people don’t realize is that yes, I  am fully capable of taking both of the boys shopping at the grocery store at the same time. Is it hard, sure. I am limited in what I can buy. But usually I can get the essentials.

Normally, I put the boys in their stroller that puts the boys in a front and real position. Then I grab 2 of the hand carts and hook them to the gigantic Mommy Hook that my wife purchased from Bed, Bath and Beyond.  Normally, I am able to get everything that I need in a grocery trip and fill both baskets and in and out in 30 minutes. Is it hard shopping with both boys, sure, but what are my options?

Just remember that when you see Dad’s out shopping with their kids, they are doing the best that they can.


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I was rocking my son tonight and when he looked up and smiled at me, it hit me, I started hearing Edwin McCain‘s song “I Could Not Ask For More.”

These are the moments I’ll remember all my life
I found all I’ve waited for
And I could not ask for more

When rocking him to sleep, he looks up at me before he closed his eyes and smiled. I know that I will not be able to hold him for the rest of his life, but I am treasuring these moments and I don’t want them to end. I see how my sons are growing, learning new things, figuring things out on their own and just basically, growing up.

I want to cherish these moments and to enjoy them all. Enjoy Edwin’s video:

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I have been thinking for a while now that I wanted to get a new camera and today, I finally pulled the trigger and made the purchase. After a lot of research, talking with several friends, I finally went with the Canon T3i.  After a lot of discussion with my wife, looking at finances, etc. it came down to two simple things:

1) I don’t want to miss any moments of my boys growing up and this camera would not only allow for simple point and click photos, but would also allow for us to video tape them as well. And the camera if very easy to use, but more importantly,

2) If you look at what we were paying our photographer, $150 for the sitting fee, $300 for the prints and we did this 3 times their first year, this camera will pay for itself in the  2nd year.

I am really excited about getting this camera and ready to start taking photos of the boys on a more regular basis. And after a lot of research, going to stores and holding the camera, I really think that I am going to enjoy taking photos again. Maybe a new hobby?

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Chick-Fil-A spicy chicken biscuit


In case that you have lived under a rock for the last two weeks, you might have heard that the CEO, Dan Cathy,
made comments recently about the “support of the traditional family”, i.e. the marriage between a man and a woman.

Today I was asked by a friend what I thought of all this, because 1) I would have an opinion, 2) I watch the news on a daily basis and I keep up with going on and 3) I am a Christian.  So here is a summary of my response.

  • The CEO of a private of company made a public comment
  • What if McDonald’s or a company founded or run by an atheist, would they be the same standard?
  • Did they know realize that Chick-Fil-A was founded on Christian principles?
  • Aren’t we all humans and why can’t we enjoy some waffle fries?

So to expand on these a little more, here is what I was trying to get at.

The CEO of Chick-Fil-A, Dan Cathy, made a comment about his personal views about the company. His comment was in regards to the “support of the traditional family”.  At no time did he mention that Chick-Fil-A was refusing a gay person or their significant other a meal? Did he mention that Chick-Fil-A would not franchise out a new store to a gay couple? No.

But let’s take it a step further. What if McDonald’s had made the same statement? Would there be the same outcry?  And what if the owner of a private McDonald’s franchise was an atheist, would they receive the same negative press? I don’t have an answer to that question.

But who doesn’t know that Chick-Fil-A isn’t owned and for the most part, operated by Christians that own franchises? For goodness sake, they are closed on Sundays. Seriously? What more do you want to know? Do a few Google searches and you  will quickly realize where the founding principles of the company come from. But, take a step back and ask yourself again, if an atheist owned a company, would you have the same response? Would people/the public/the news be so quick to jump to the same conclusions and statements? Here is just 1 article that I found from

So for my disclaimer, I do not know Dan Cathy or for that matter, anyone that works at Chick-Fil-A. However, I do love their food. The spicy chicken sandwich and waffles fries are off the hook. That being said, here are my personal views. I don’t care that Dan Cathy made these comments, because, he as a business owner, made a statement about his company. A statement, that should not have shocked anyone. I truly believe that if you were to poll 10 people, they would almost all agree that Chick-Fil-A is a Christian company.  But to go 1 final step, a private citizen, who made a comment, but did not discriminate against anyone entering into one of their stores. The Muppets have been dropped by Chick-Fil-A, the Mayor of Boston tells Chick-Fil-A to stay out of Boston, and now Governor Huckabee is launching a Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day.

Where does it all end? I just want a Spicy Grilled Chicken and some waffle fries from Chick-Fil-A and call it a day.




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Adversity is defined by Webster as:

Definition of ADVERSITY

: a state, condition, or instance of serious or continued difficulty or adverse fortune

Sometimes in life, things happen. Sometimes for the good, sometimes for the bad. But the question is, how do you handle it? Do you lose your cool? Do you do a dance and rejoice?

I am realizing more and more, that even though my sons are still very young, I can start now teaching them how to handle adversity. Instead of losing my cool, take a step back and reevaluate the situation. Now, I realize that we are talking about babies that are not even 15 months old yet. But, I can talk with them when they get upset. I can start now trying to verbally calm them and divert their attention and focus, in hopes, that when life throws them a curve ball one day, that they can handle it and over come the situation.


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Being sick is hard enough as an adult, but I think that being sick as a parent is even harder. It is not just, take care of yourself, rest and feel batter. no, it is all of those things, and take care of your kids.

Well, tonight, my wife is sick, probably with a cold. So, I get to be super dad. I am taking care of the kids, got them ready for bed and then took care of my wife. It definitely makes for a long night. The kids are down, I have a cold Flying Dog Pale Ale and just threw in the classic movie Swingers.

So tonight, as I settle down for the evening, I hope that the boys sleep well, that my wife feels better and that the sofa isn’t too uncomfortable.

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I took the boys out Saturday to lunch and was amazed by the number of people that stopped by and spoke to the boys. And the funny thing, is that most of the parents complimented me on how well behaved that the boys were. I guess because I am with them all the time, I do not think anything of it.

The hardest part for me when we go out to eat, is how messy that they can be sometimes. I have to remember that they are only 1, but still. They drop puffs on the floor. They drop really whatever we give them to eat on the floor to be honest. But all in all, they are good eaters are not as messy as I have seen some. But the one thing that I always do, is I always try to ask our wait staff for a broom so that I can clean up after them. It is not the wait staffs problem that the boys drop their food.  Now, in saying that, I have yet to be handed a broom, but I really think that the wait staff just appreciates the offer.

I think that the earlier that you can get your kids into a routine in a restaurant, the better that you’ll all be down the road. And the reality of it, is that a 1 year old, will be messy. That is just part of life. But you can also start by setting a good example by offering to clean up too, so that your children can follow suit in the future.


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Tonight, as I watch my boys run around the living room and laugh, my thoughts are filled with the shootings that took place in Colorado tow nights ago at the Batman premiere.

The shootings were yet another case of senselless violence. And yes, there will be plenty of time to debate gun control in the future. But tonight, let’s take a moment and hold your kids and loved ones a little tighter and give them an extra kiss.  Treasure these moments and be grateful for the time that you have together.  And tonight, say a prayer, not only for the souls that were taken away from this world way too early, but for their families that are left behind. As they will never for the events from that night. And their lives have forever been changed.


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