Author's Posts

After getting home from the pumpkin patch this past weekend, we decided to make some Homemade Apple Sauce. I have to say, at first, I was a little unsure how good it would be, but seriously? I’ll never eat apple sauce out of a jar again.

At the pumpkin patch, we picked up 6 large apples that were grown on the farm. Then we peeled and diced them up. Put them in the crock pot for 6 hours with 3 tablespoons of brown sugar, squeezed out 1/2 lemon (to prevent the apples from browning) and then put some lemon zest in the pot and we waited. Man, to say that it was good is a complete would not do it justice.

Not only was it easy to make, it will be healthier for the boys. And when they are older, they will be able to help make homemade apple sauce.

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Tonight is the 2nd Presidential Debate between President Obama and Governor Romney.  I’m not really sure how this one will go, but here are my initial thoughts:

1) I think that VP Biden went out last week again Senator Ryan and went out fighting. I think he did this because A) that is VP Biden’s style, but also B) because the President came out so reserved, that they wanted to see how the American public responded. Well, it was a mixed review. Polls pretty much split the vote between VP Biden and Senator Ryan. So, I look to see the President to come out more forceful than his first debate, but maybe stay to the right of VP Biden’s approach.
2) I think that Governor Romney has really been able to hone his message and have it start resonating with the American public. That being said, I don’t know that he will come out as hard as he did the first time, but I do think that he will stay on point and hit home his message about the economy, job creation and the all important issue of healthcare.
3) I have shared this thought with a lot of family and friends, but I will be curious to see how many viewers tune in. If it is a low number, I think that that is a favor for Governor Romney. And I think that because A) early voting has already started and B) the American public, for the most part, has really already made up their mind. And with the way that the polls have been looking, a lower rating of viewers, in my opinion, only helps Governor Romney.

So, those are my thoughts, I’ll probably watch tonight and either Tweet or blog throughout or maybe just do a wrap up afterwards? We are 3 weeks away from the election.

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My wife recently found something on Pinterest about things that you should do with your kids in the Fall. Now, the majority of the things that were on the list, our boys are still too young to do. But one cool thing that we did this past weekend was to take the boys to a local Pumpkin patch. They were able to run around, we took a hayride, picked out 3 pumpkins and planned on decorating the back of the house.

It was an inexpensive trip, but a lot of memories. And let’s be honest, who doesn’t love a good pumpkin patch? And the best part, we were all together, we laughed and had a lot of fun. It isn’t always about going all out and overboard on things for the kids, but the time that you can spend with them.

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As many of Americans last night, I too watched the VP Debate. Maybe not as closely as I should have, but let’s be honest, I am one of the majority that know who they are voting for. There were some interesting statements by both sides and I think that it is very important that our country gets to know who the VP is and/or might be, just in case something were to happen to the President and they become Commander In Chief.

That being said, there are entirely too many points to make here, so I will only suggest this, go to Fact Check and see the highlights of what was said, and how accurate it really was.

Two debates down and one more next week. We are in the short roads here before the election.  My only suggestion is this, study the candidates and vote for who best represents you and your values.

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As I have written about in the past, I am truly a Misplaced Texan living on the East Coast. So when I saw that the Deep In The Heart CD was coming out, I had to immediately order it. Not only does it have some of the greatest Texas artists performing, but it is just a solid cd for kids. And, do not forget, it goes to help a good cause, McLane Children’s Hospital Scott & White.

So far, the boys love the music and have really enjoyed listening to the music and I love that they are getting part of my life from Texas.

Pat Green                                   “Candy Mountain”

Stoney LaRue                             “Oh Susannah”

Aaron Watson                            “Blue Skies”

Reckless Kelly                            “I’ve Been Workin’ On the Railroad”

Jack Ingram                               “You Are My Sunshine”

Jason Boland                             “This Land Is Your Land”

Asleep at the Wheel                   “Riding In the Car

Bonnie Bishop & Ray Benson      “Don’t You Just Know It”

Fred Andrews                            “I’ll Fly Away”

Cory Morrow                             “This Little Light”

Josh Abbott                               “She’ll Be Comin’ ‘Round the Mountain”

Cody Canada                             “You’ve Got A Friend In Me”

Randy Rogers Band                    “Oh Mister Sun”

Charla Corn                               “Rainbow Connection”

Drew Womack                            “I’ll Fly Away” (feat. Jordan and Sunny Shipley)

Various   (TBA)                           “Deep In the Heart of Texas”


Purchase the Deep In The Heart CD now via iTunes


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Stop. Take a moment to think about all of the interruptions that you experience in a day. Phone calls. Text Messages. Emails. And the list goes on.

But what do you do about those interruptions as it pertains to your children? Do you let those interruptions come between you and the time that you have with your kids? I am guilty of it.  As are probably most. Our society has become so dependent on technology, that it is hard to break away from it. We are trained to check our email every 5 minutes. We know that by certain sounds, a new text message has come through or email.

But what is more important, checking your phone or playing with your kids? And it should be an easy answer, right? But is it?

I am challenging both myself and my wife, to put down the phones when we come home and just be with the boys. I am challenging myself, to stop checking email every 5 minutes or responding to text messages, work and friends can wait. Nothing is that life pressing and if it is, they will call back.  I realized last night that I am too connected and yes, I am a Web Developer and I am saying that I am too connected to technology. Funny right? Well, it isn’t and here is why. When I am focused on responding to emails or text messages, those are minutes that I am not playing with my kids, showing them how to throw a ball or play with blocks.  I don’t want to miss a single moment and I feel that I am allowing too many interruptions to do just that.

So starting today. When I get home, my phone goes on the night stand until the boys go to bed.  And the boys get my undivided attention and no more interruptions.

Check out this website – The Quiet Place and just relax for a minute.

Are you allowing interruptions in your life to stand in the way of your kids?

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I am asked all the time, so when the kids do not sleep, what do you do? Luckily for us, this has been a few and far between problem. Usually, one boy will wake up and the other will sleep. Last night, was an odd night. They both woke up at 12:45am and neither wanted to go back to sleep. So what do I do when the kids do not sleep? I took them downstairs, we all had some milk, we had some soft classical music playing and we played. This last for 2 hours, but at the end of the day, even though I had less sleep than I wanted, I got to spend 2 hours with the boys.  We played, we laughed, we rocked, we laughed more, we played more and we had fun. Was it the ideal time? No, but I am grateful that I had 2 hours of uninterrupted time with them. Even if it was at 2am.

So what do you do when the do not sleep?

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White House

The White House
Washington, DC

This statement is said every election, but this is truly how I feel, but I think that this years Presidential Campaign are the worse that I have ever experienced before in my life. And yes, I have been voting for 20 years and have gone through enough Presidential Campaign to make that statement. I just don’t remember this much mud sling and this much dirty politics. And it is coming from both parties, not just one.

I love politics. Seriously, I check the polls every morning. Granted, I take polls with a grain of salt, as most times polls do not disclose the sampling that was chosen to poll, which skews results, but I still love it. For once, I would like to see Presidential Campaign run a clean and factual campaign.  All ads must be cleared by a 3rd party Fact Checking organization to clear all ads and verify information that is coming from speeches, etc. Unrealistic, yes, but hopeful.

As we come down to the final push for this years Presidential Campaign, I still remain hopeful that Mitt Romney will pull it out, however, I am still discouraged by the way that the campaigns are and have handled this election.

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How many times have you said to your kids, “Tell The Truth”? Well, I haven’t because my children are small and are not speaking yet, but I am sure that I will. As we are in the middle of the political season, how as parents, are we supposed to teach our children to tell the truth, when our politicians are not following the same principle.

Have you ever watched a political commercial for a Presidential campaign? Have you ever wondered how much of their ad is the truth? Have you ever checked to see if what the politician was telling the truth? As a political junkie, I study this and sometimes I just want to look at the politicians and I am speaking of both parties, TELL THE TRUTH! How can we expect our children to do this, but it is OK, but that this doe not apply to those running for public office?

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Have you seen this bumper sticker?

Misplaced Texan Bumper Sticker
Order here.










That is how I feel. In fact, most mornings, I wake up singing Pat Green‘s song Texas On My Mind, esp starting with the line: I woke up this morning with Texas on my mind. So, a disclaimer, I am not from Texas, but I got there as quickly as I could.  Do I regret leaving Texas? Nope, because had I stayed, I would not have my sons. Do I wish that we would move back, absolutely. In fact, everyday, I think about moving back  and everyday these lyrics run through my mind:

I woke up this morning
Texas on my mind
Thinking about my friends there

Maybe one day? But until that day comes, I am just a Misplaced Texan living on the east coast.

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