Author's Posts

We have been trying to really focus on two things this year, 1) Paying down debt and 2) our giving of time and money to charity and to church and thus far, we haven’t done that bad, I don’t think. But what has really come out of the giving, is how great it feels to give to others.

Paying down debt – If we stay on track, we will have 3 cards paid off in 10 months and that will put us 1/3rd of the way to our goal. BUT and what is even more important than that, we will be able to start really putting a lot more towards down and finish up these credit cards a lot faster. In theory, we should be able to knock out all of our debt in less than 2 years. We have cut cable and that is saving us roughly $150 a month and then we have done a few other little things, like the Dollar Shave Club, we have started doing even more shopping at Aldi for produce and basic items and we are buying our meat in bulk from Wegmans, to name a few. But these savings should really start to add up and I was asked this week if I missed cable at all and I realized that I hadn’t thought about it, so no.

Giving – Giving to others is very important to both my wife and myself. We were both raised that it is better to give to others than to receive. So, in quickly looking over our finances, I realized that we are on track by the end of May to have already surpassed our giving totals for all of 2014. We have already committed $1,000 in extra giving, which does not factor into our giving to local charities and also to church.  And mind you, this is while we are paying down debt. But what is great about giving is that we are showing the boys that it is better to give to others, especially those that are less fortunate.

So far for our family goals, we are on schedule and actually ahead of schedule for our giving.

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Life is full of stress and some days, it doesn’t seem like you can get away from stress. Even in taking a walk or trying to relax, stress just seems to pop up.

Before leaving the house this morning, Baby B was walking down the steps and after he told me that he loved me, he said “good luck dad”. Man, that kid had no idea how true those words were today, because today has been one of those days. If it could have gone wrong, it has and things just haven’t seemed right. Meetings, more work, last minute requests, a to do list that is 10 projects deep and the last minute request to provide data that I should really take 4 days to gather and analyze, but have 12 hours.


Throughout the day, I have had several co-workers to stop by to say hello or just to see how I was doing. But today, I just haven’t wanted to really to be social because of all of the work. But as I have gone through the day, I have realized two important things about stress:

1) Stress is a pain in the butt, but it is a fact of life. But it is how we deal with stress that makes it easier to handle.
2) As bad and stressful as my day has been, there are people that are facing much worse things than I am right now.

Just at that moment, when I stopped looking at the stress and looking at the other factors, I closed my eyes for just a moment, put my ear phones in and put on a little bluegrass music. Stress will always be present in our lives, but it is how we choose to deal with it that determines if we over come the stress or we succumb to it.


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My obsession has quickly become my passion.

I’ve been working in Digital Marketing and Web Development for over 15 years now and I have literally written code with my eyes closed. Yes, everyday creates a new change and everyday some new technique or skill comes out to try. But it is just that, something that I’ve been doing for 15 years now. And don’t get me wrong, I enjoy what I do and I am very fortunate to have worked my way up in this industry and to have gotten to grow my career and implement a lot of changes for the organizations that I have been a part of. But, when watching Chef, this clip hit me hard:

When my mother in law died, I had two choices, learn how to cook or starve and that wasn’t really an option so I started asking questions of my mom and then I remembered my days in Texas and how much I loved grilling and smoking food. And I started off small and I talked with my Mom about her spaghetti recipe and I made that and realized that my mom was not the right person to ask for cooking advice. I started making the spaghetti recipe once a week and then I perfected it to a point, that I could make spaghetti almost the same each time and not look at the recipe. And while I was starting at the basics of spaghetti, I remembered how much I loved to be outside and grill. In church one Sunday, my wife’s grandmother asked if I wanted her Weber Grill, which might lead to one of the most honest responses in the United Methodist Church, which was a simple AMEN!

So, fast forward a few years and my obsession of cooking has become my passion.  My days of traveling to and from work now are often spent talking cooking and food with friends and giving them suggestions or ideas for recipes. I am often asked now to smoke or grill food for co-workers and when they want me to try new recipes. I am talking with chefs on a more regular basis to gain ideas, learn new techniques, pick their brains on pairings of beers and foods, seasoning of food and things of that nature.  And the importance of the clip above, is showing how excited he was and how he was expressing his creativity, something that I can relate, because when I cook, I get to use my creativity side. In my job, I am the least creative person that I know.

What I have found, is that as I learn more, my obsession continues to increase. My obsession for cooking has become a creative passion that I have never experienced before.  And not only has this obsession taking a life of its own, it has created an opportunity to show and teach my sons. Not only am I teaching them about cooking and exposing them to differently flavors and types and styles of foods, I’m bonding with them and spending time with them. So my obsession is just as much about spending time with them as anything. The boys know that on Sunday, we goto church, get coffee and donuts and the come home and spend the day at either the grill or the smoker.

While I am teaching the boys how to cook, I get to laugh and joke around with them. Teach them about the importance of food safety, but also the time that we are spending together and doing something that we love. Growing up, I didn’t have this type of relationship with my father, we do now, but not then. I didn’t spend a lot of time with him and know that every Sunday or Saturday or both days, that we would be outside cooking. I didn’t have him teaching me about things that he was passionate about. And my hope, is that as this obsession, not only mine, but the obsession that my sons are having with learning more about cooking grows, that they will share these same things with their children when they have them.

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It was bound to happen sooner or later, but tonight out of the blue the boys left my wife and I in tears. Literally we are crying like babies and it was over the most simple and innocent thing.  But the fact that it happened on Mother’s Day, might have made it a little easier and also harder at the same time.

Yesterday was Mother’s Day and the boys and I got my wife flowers, cards and a selfie stick and before any jokes are made about the selfie stick, it is am inside joke between my wife and myself. But after the boys and I grilled dinner last night and for the week, my wife was showing the boys a picture of her mom & for those of you that don’t know, read my post entitled 6 years.  My mother in law was killed in a car accident over 6 years ago and there is not a day that doesn’t go by that we don’t talk about or wish that she were still here.  My wife showed a photo of my wife and her mom together and it was a photo that they had never seen before. The photo was from Mother’s Day over 10 years ago, when my wife graduated from college. As soon as my Baby A quietly asked who it was with their mommy, my wife quietly explained that it was her mommy on Mother’s Day years before they were born. And just then it happened, Baby A asked the hard question, “Can Grandma come to my house and see me?” Silence, followed by tears.

My mother in law has been dead for close to 7 years and even though it has been 7 years, it hasn’t been easy. Holidays are hard. Mothers Day might be the hardest day of them all and tonight, as innocently as possible, they wanted to see their grandmother. My wife and I abruptly ended up in tears & I am still wiping them away now. Tears of sorrow. Tears of joy. Tears of frustration. Tears of heart break.

The boys do not know that their grandmother died 7 years ago, they just know that they have my parents and my wife’s dad and his girlfriend. At some point we will have to explain all of this to them, but last night on Mother’s Day, I think that a simple statement that caused so many tears to flow, brought peace and comfort. But as my wife and I talked about, one day, in a few years, we will have to have a very hard conversation with them and tell them about their grandmother and her dying. And then there will be a lot of people that will tell stories about what a wonderful person that she was and how many lives that she touched. And though, it will be harder on us than it will be on them, as they will not know any better, we will know what they are missing out on. We will know how loved they would have been by their Grandmother. We would have known that we would have had to beg her to not let them spend every weekend with her. So with those knowings, we will have to struggle and wipe away tears and talk about one of the most amazing women that I have ever known.

Over 1,200 people attended the visitation and as far away as 3 states. She touched the lives of many and she made a difference in the lives of a lot. Last night, with tears in our eyes, we said a simple prayer and thanked God for our time with my wife’s mom, but as we wiped away those tears and hug and kiss the boys goodnight, we are hurt and filled with sorrow.

Good night to my little Monkeys. Happy Mother’s Day to my wife, my mom, my sister, friends and family. And Mom’s, I know that you are smiling down on these little kids, I just wish that you could have gotten to experience them first hand.

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Ever say something stupid in front of your kids? Well, I’m guilty and I should really know better. I should know by now that the boys will repeat what I say and then they will think that it is funny. And last Saturday is just another example of open my mouth and insert my foot.

As many Americans, myself and the boys were watching the Kentucky Derby and because I live in a state that allows for horse gambling, I decided to put down $40. The boys were all excited to see the horses on TV and I mentioned that we needed the #8, #12 and #18 ( I think ) horses to finish 1, 2 & 3 and we would win. So all is right in the world and the race starts. Things are going well and then they hit the backstretch and I realize that I had bet correctly for the first 3 horses. I was jumping up and down and so were the boys. High fives are all around and we are all excited!

So here his the issue. We get to CHURCH the next morning and as we are getting out of my Jeep, Baby A asked if we were betting on the horses at church? And there it went straight down, because while we were grilling they wanted to know if we were putting money on the horses. So yes, kids, Dad can be stupid sometimes, but we won $400 and we have money down for the next horse race on the 16th.

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We finally made the decision, we are cutting the cord! We are joining millions of families that have made the decision to move away from cable and thus far, it has been amazing.

Enough was enough. I realized one night that we weren’t watching TV that much, so why have a massive TV channel option, if we watched, maybe 10% of the channels? And it was at that moment, that I looked up our monthly bill and almost fell out of my chair, as it was now $220 a month.  After a little research and chatting with our cable provider a few things were really clear to me in my thought process:

  1. I wasn’t going to get all of my Sporting events that I am use to viewing.
  2. I was going to need to add a Digital Antenna.
  3. I needed to look at another device, i.e. Roku to supplement other 3rd party providers.
  4. The cable company didn’t care or try to keep us as a customer.

1) Sporting Events – I love sports! I live for College Basketball and Football. There is nothing better than watching football on a Saturday, but here is the realization with kids, I wasn’t getting to watch many games. At best, I got in 1 – 3 College Football games in a year and I did get most of my basketball games, but a lot of times I was recording them and watching them after the kids went to bed. So my argument to keep cable for sports, quickly went away.

2) Digital Antenna – I wanted to keep local channels, just in case we needed local coverage. There were many websites that provided options and data on which would work best. I did have 1 limitation that I was faced with and that is that I didn’t want a rooftop or exterior antenna, due to the fact that our plan is to move. So I wanted/needed something that would be mobile and easy to use and setup. I settled with the Mohu 50 after a lot of research and so far, I have been impressed. I have been able to watch golf and the Kentucky Derby with minor issues. But all in all, it has worked just fine and I am out $70 for the antenna.

3) Devices and 3rd party providers – We have a Sony Blue Ray player with web apps, such as Netflix, Hulu Plus, Amazon, MLB, etc. so we were covered with being able to watch all of our shows that my wife and I enjoy and also the shows that boys like. I get my sports fix with my MLB package so that I can watch the Astros and this becomes a win win situation.  And then another app came out called Sling TV and they offer ESPN and a lot of the cooking shows that I enjoy, but Sling TV isn’t available on the Sony Blue Ray. After conversations with a buddy of mine, he convinced me to get a Roku and man, that has been awesome! There are so many more channels that we’ve opened up a whole new library of kids shows and other shows for my wife and I to watch, that I really don’t see the need to ever go back to cable. But, from a cost stand point, a new Roku player was $100, we have Netflix at $8/month, Hulu Plus $8/month, we already had Amazon $99/yr and then I got the MLB package for $125. See the breakdown below for a better comparison)

4) Cable didn’t care that we were leaving – I called and chatted with reps from the cable company, explained my desire to cut the monthly cost, significantly and their best offer was cutting our bill by $20 month, which didn’t factor in taxes, etc. so really the $20 a month savings, was closer to $10. There was a time when cable companies would get creative and try to keep customers, but I think that those days are long gone. So, they didn’t fight to keep me and they could have kept me as a basic cable subscriber for the right offer, but they didn’t try to keep my business and I didn’t feel bad turning in the equipment. Now, our monthly bill is $50 a month, down from $220 a month, for a savings of $170 a month.

I get it, I really see why people are cutting the cord more and more everyday. It makes sense, especially if you aren’t watching tv. But let’s look at real numbers on monthly costs:

ServiceMonthly CostYearly CostOne Time FeesSavings
Cable Service$220$2,640$170/month or $2,040/yearly
Hulu Plus$8$96$0
Digital Antenna$0$0$70$0
MLB Package$0$125$0

The reality is actually even simpler than the cost savings, we are reading more at night, spending more time as a family and less distractions and we are getting outside more. I know, it isn’t normal to say that we are unplugging and cutting the cord, but we have and we have loved it. In quick numbers, because I like to look at real term facts and measurements. By saving $170 a month, just from cable, we will be able to pay off 2 more credit card bills in less than 1 year! There, I said it, there is another benefit to cutting the cord, financial and getting out of debt faster.

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I’ve seen it on the news for years, but this is the first time that I have ever been faced with something like this. But tonight, as I put the boys to bed, I held them a little tighter and kissed them a few extra times. Never in my life, did I think that I would see riots this close to me? Never in my life, did I think that I would see riots less than 10 miles from my office or less than 30 miles from our home.

Tonight as I watch the news, I am speechless. Tonight as I listen to the Governor of Maryland, I am numb. These are places that I have recently walked, there are places that are being burned down that I have recently driven by.  I am numb by the response of the protestors and I’m also numb by the response by several adults. Here are the facts, a young man, who had what appears to be a troubled path, was buried by his family. No parent should ever buried their children.

But tonight, there is a different feeling in the air. There is a different concern and feeling. Tonight, I kept the TV off so that I could shelter the boys from the riots in Baltimore, but I couldn’t keep my mind focused. Tonight, my feelings are pretty clear, but I’ll have to save those for another. I have listened to co-workers and even my wife talk about their sadness, tonight, I am just mad.

Baltimore residents who protested peacefully, the death of Freddie Gray, you did it right. It is those that wanted to take their protests to the next level where they were destroying private property. I had tried to stay off social media, because I felt that I would be be outraged and I have been. I tried to limit my communication with others, because I would be upset and angry, and I have been. I just wanted my wife to get home tonight, who was north of Baltimore city and she did.

The Governor declared a state of emergency due to the riots and tonight, I have no clue how and if I will make it into the office tomorrow. But, tonight, I was able to put the boys with an extra long hug and a kiss goodnight. My wife made it home safely and I was able to hug and kiss her.

But I pray for those that are in the city that are effected by the riots. I pray that those are protected the innocent, that those will be protected and yes, I have several friends and spouses of friends that are down in that area tonight.

And tonight, I have learned a powerful and important lesson and that there is a time and place for my smart ass remarks and tonight isn’t the night. I pray for safety and God’s mercies for those that are are in Baltimore tonight effected by the riots and I pray for calmer heads.  And I pray that your mommy doesn’t have to go into work tomorrow and be put into harms way, AMEN.

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Getting ready for work this morning, I read a quick story about a homeless person in Charlotte, NC that gave all that they have this past week as an offering. And it started to get me thinking, if I was giving all I have or not?  The story has taken off, but it is about a homeless person that gave all that they had, which was $0.18 as an offering, but it was all they had.

We go about our lives, we drive to and from work and we see those that genuinely need help. Are we giving all that we have?  And I really struggled with this concept this afternoon. I thought about how much we are giving of our time to church, our finances to church and charity and our time to our kids and it probably isn’t enough. And I really wondered if I am giving all I have?

Today I had my yearly evaluation at work and I got what I expected, sort of. I got the level of evaluation as I expected, but the compensation was much less than I had hoped for. I was praised for my leadership and how an asset I am, the level that my team performs and in the manner that they carry themselves. I was commended for the work that we have done this past year, the fact that I manage two different departments and how it never seems to phase me when I am presented with last minute requests. Was I disappointed when I was told of my raise, sure. No, that isn’t fair, I was mad. I was really more disappointed than mad to be honest.

But today, something different was going on inside of me on my drive home. I quickly remembered the story that I read this morning and I wondered allowed, Am I giving, all I have? And I struggled with it. I wondered if I was holding on to things. I wondered if I was letting my disappointment cloud my judgement and gratefulness tonight that I have a job and a good family? And after picking up two really tired boys and getting them home, something happened. Baby B said his name. But, more importantly, he said his name correctly. This was borderline a miracle, as we have gone through speech therapy for him, we have spent the last year working with him on the pronunciation his name and tonight, he said it.

Tonight, as I read: Mark: 12:41-44, which is often called the Widow’s Offering from the bible, I am reminded of today and the bigger picture.

The Widow’s Offering

41 Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. 42 But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents.

43 Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. 44 They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.”

Tonight, I realized how blessed that I am. I realized that though I might not give all I have, I try to give all that I can. I give as much as I can throughout the month to charity and the church, ensuring that we have enough to live off of and the extra goes to others that have less. And tonight, I realized how the homeless person, though might have been embarrassed because was all they had, gave all that they could. Tonight, I give all I have, to those that need it. I give all I have to my family and friends. I give all I have to those that need it the most. But tonight, Baby B, gave me all he had, because tonight, he said his name correctly.

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So this is a few days late, but WE DID IT! That’s right, we raised over $1,000 for Make a Wish Foundation and I’m totally blown away.

This year we chose the Make a Wish Foundation for Eastern North Carolina as our charity for the boys birthday and I set a goal of $1,000 and we did it! I can’t believe that our friends and family donated that much money. We had decided on this charity, because for a few days, Make a Wish makes a child be just that, a child.

So as I type this out, I still am just blown away that we were able to raise $1,000 and really, it is over that, as my wife and I decided to donate another $500 on top of that and even though what we raised will not alone grant one wish, combined with a few others, we will be able to help a child.  And my goal is that as the boys grow up, they will be continue this tradition and more importantly, take an active role in wanting to help others.

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Happy Birthday to me!

I usually don’t do or say anything about my birthday and I don’t for many reasons. I don’t like attention, I don’t like being front and center in my personal life, because with my professional life I have to.  Today is no difference, I walked in and went straight into my office and closed my door. I just didn’t want to deal with my birthday today and I’m not sure why?

Baby B decided that he wanted to say Happy Birthday to me around 2:30 this morning, not my ideal present. But, I did get a lot of time with him this morning and spend a lot of time playing with him and rarely do I get that. And as I get older birthdays, mean less and have taken on a different meaning. Growing up as a kid, it is all about the day and what we can get. Now, it is how little attention that I can put on me and how can I hide in the background for the day.

Today, I’ve been successful in laying low for my Birthday, but I’m ready to head home and grab the boys and cook. But as I told the boys, no gifts, just a hug and a kiss is all that I need, even though they really wanted to buy me a steam engine from Thomas.

So for now, I quietly celebrate my birthday.


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