February 2021

Two words, that I never thought that I would ever type, let alone say, Brain Tumor. But, there it is. My wife had a brain tumor!

4:00 a.m. on a Friday morning, I was awaken to my wife having a seizure. At first, I wasn’t sure what exactly was going on, but it was clear that something wasn’t right. So, after quickly assessing the situation, I called 911 and within 8 minutes 4 guys from the fire house were walking in the house. And as my wife was coming out of the seizure, reality started to set in.

Fast forward 4 hours, I walk into the ER to see my wife, that is how long it took to get someone to come over and watch the boys and I’ll get to them shortly. But upon arriving, I knew something was wrong because everyone kept saying to get Melissa that I had arrived. And just like that, Melissa, who was the PA-C that was taking care of my wife, walked into the room, closed the door and asked me to sit down. I don’t remember exactly what was said before or after the words Brain Tumor were spoken, life just became a blur.

As we walked out of the ER that morning, with a scheduled first appointment with a world renowned neurosurgeon 4 days later and the knowledge that my wife was going to more than likely need to have brain surgery with 2 weeks. As we drove home, life became we were left with questions unanswered, but the brain tumor, what he the future held, how do we tell and prepare our kids, will she live?

Rarely do I show that I’m afraid. I’ve always believed that the father, should show emotions, but at the same time, reassure his family that things will be OK, even if they might not be. But this was one of those times, that I was vulnerable. I literally stood in the kitchen and felt paralyzed with fear and couldn’t put one foot in front of the other.

After meeting with the neurosurgeon a few days later from the diagnosis, we felt prepared. We felt, like we had the person that could help and we had a plan. The brain tumor was removed successfully. And we are will be forever grateful for the surgeon, but this isn’t a short process or treatment, this will be for life!

That’s right, my wife will need an MRI every 3 months, for the first year. Then, in year 2, it will be every 4 months. And at some point, it will be 2 years, but this is for the rest of her life. And without going into too much regarding that, we don’t actually know how long her life expectancy will be? The original pathology report told one thing, but this weekend, it was updated with a more serious finding.

But we have vowed to make the lives of our sons normal and stable. We will continue to do for them and to try to make a normal life, in a very not normal time. Between COVID-19 and now this, it has been a lot on the boys and oh yeah, they heard everything when I was on the call with 911. They heard me ask God to save her life, they heard me tell the 911 operator that she wasn’t responsive because she wasn’t. They heard it all. They saw the EMS team. They saw their mother being put into the back of an ambulance.

Life is not fair! And neither is having a brain tumor and neither is being almost 10 and having to see or hear or hell, live this way.

To my sons – I’m incredibly proud of how you both have responded and stepped up during this very stressful time. I am proud of how you both have been there to give a hug, when I”m on the verge of tears. Our families future, is a little bit of influx right now, but we have a lot of people that are there to help, so today, and moving forward, we take it one day at a time.

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Where to begin? Seems like a loaded question, yet a statement that has been used a lot recently when explaining the last 4 months.

I was going to start with virtual school for the boys, but let’s skip that for another day. And instead, let’s touch on my wife’s first surgery and then in another post, probably next week, the discovery of the brain tumor.

Three months ago, my wife had a scheduled procedure, which we thought was going to be routine and in 6 weeks, would be 100% healed and better than ever. But, that was not meant to be.

My wife woke up from her procedure in recovery with severe shoulder pain. Now, for the record and without going into the procedure, her surgery had NOTHING to do with her shoulder, not even close. She was told to give it time.

7 days later, she is getting an MRI and being told that her should was dislocated and then the MRI revealed other issues too.

So a quick recap, my wife went in for a surgery, that wasn’t related to her shoulder, yet comes out with major shoulder problems. The shoulder issue was so bad, that she had to be seen by orthopedic that repaired my shoulder last year and surgery was scheduled.

And with that, when people ask about her shoulder, we usually start with, “where to begin?”

Everyone has been left asking the same question, “what happened to her shoulder?” And short answer, we don’t know. We don’t know what happened. Seems strange, but that we just don’t know.

Next up, the discovery of my wife’s brain tumor and how we found gratitude through all of this.

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