January 2020

We are now almost 4 weeks post op from my major shoulder surgery. Wait, I didn’t mention this before? Right, I didn’t because I didn’t know how it was going to turn out.

A few months ago, I tore my labrum completely, from the top of my shoulder to the back throwing baseballs to my son’s baseball team. Fortunately or unfortunately, I was pitching to my son when I completely tore it though. But, when I did, I sucked it up and finished batting practice to him and the last two batters and hoped for the best, but knew what I was probably dealing with.

The recovery process hasn’t be easy, because for almost 3 months I protected my shoulder from doing any heavy lifting. I compensated and lost muscle and mobility. Now, I’m having to make up for that. I’m also doing physical therapy for 6 – 9 months. That is right, 6 to 9 months of physical therapy and having someone help me get that back.

It is going to be a long road ahead, but we got a Peloton bike that I am riding for cardio endurance on a daily basis and I’m doing daily exercises. I still will not be able to pick up a baseball for 12 months, but I would rather take a year off and coach and not throw, than never be able to play catch with my son again.

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